What Are We Like

Season Three is coming soon! What Are We Like is a podcast series with the goal of understanding a little more about ourselves and others. Join hosts Áine Maher and Ruth Jephson every Thursday as they focus on rethinking and unpacking some of the weird and wonderful aspects of being a human. Why do we do the things we do? Why do we feel this way? Why do other people act like that? What are we like?! That’s what this podcast is all about. With the help of Áine’s neuroscience and psychology background, they’ll both share what they know, and explore what they don’t, to leave you with a fresh perspective of your own behaviour, and the behaviour of those around you. Email hello@whatarewelike.ie

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Thursday Nov 17, 2022

Aaaaand we’re back! 
To kick off Season Two, Ruth and Áine are delighted to bring you this special episode to mark International Men’s Day on the 19th of November. The two wanted to unpack more about what it's like to be a man in 2022, and explore some of these perspectives. They put together an anonymous survey to get a really honest view from a few different men, to shine a light on some aspects that might be difficult to talk about, and they were overwhelmed with the thoughtful reflections shared from the men who participated. A big thank you to all of them again, this wouldn’t be possible without you all. 
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jul 28, 2022

It’s the Season Finale! This week the podcast explores the Age of Criminal Responsibility. At what age can a child be held responsible for their actions? Ruth puts some past cases to Áine involving children who have committed murder, alongside some of the legal scaffolding that dictated how the cases were ruled. The two look at the role that neuroscience and psychology play in this area of law, and what factors and considerations are taken into account when the criminal in question is a child. 
Looking forward to diving further into some of these areas in Season Two! 
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

9: Rethinking Money Etiquette

Thursday Jul 21, 2022

Thursday Jul 21, 2022

This week's episode is one of those where Ruth remembered something she saw online, and a whole episode's worth of conversation came out of it! Our two hosts started unpacking a situation around owing someone money, and it led to a complete rethink of all the considerations and etiquette around paying what you owe, getting paid back and the general trickiness of money and our human relationships. From exploring socioeconomic status to just downright stinginess - all from someone owing the cost of a drink back to a work colleague. Oh where these conversations go! 
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

Why is it that some people have issues with their sleep where they feel they can’t move, and other people will actually move too much in their sleep?? Back in Episode 4,  Áine and Ruth started discussing sleep and this week it’s time for Sleep: Part Two! They unpack elements of ‘Parasomnia’, more commonly known as disruptive sleep-related disorders. Ruth shares her own experience of sleep paralysis, with Áine explaining theories behind why this happens, along with another common parasomnia; sleep walking.
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jul 07, 2022

Have you ever gone into a room and realised you have no idea what you went in there for? Áine and Ruth explore this familiar experience to see what what is going on in our brains when this glitchy moment happens. Ruth also has an interesting scenario to unpack and asks for Áine's take on someone seeing if an entire festival could be moved to suit their friend's schedule - the audacity! 
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

A Very Brief Mid-Season Break

Thursday Jun 30, 2022

Thursday Jun 30, 2022

This week, the podcast is on mid-season break. Áine and Ruth will be back next week with more rethinking and unpacking!
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jun 23, 2022

In this week’s episode, Ruth and Áine explore the dreaded process of FEEDBACK **Shudder**. The two unpack their thoughts around this common corporate process, explore some of the common brain processes we naturally engage in,  and think about some small things people can do to take back control of a sometimes uncomfortable experience.
Got something to unpack? Email us at hello@whatarewelike.ie
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jun 16, 2022

What better way to mark episode five than by unpacking the five languages in which each of us expresses and communicates love and affection…  Some of these ways will resonate with you more than the others and same goes for the people around you. So what happens then? This is a really interesting topic to get stuck into and will help to open your mind to the different ways we all give and receive love so if you don’t already know yours, 5lovelanguages.com is the website to find out and get clued in.
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie to get in touch! 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

We're starting with the basics when it comes to sleepy time - why do our brains actually need it? Rest and recuperation, sure, but learn a little more about the processes that go on while you catch some zzzs.  
And later on, in response to a listener email, Áine and Ruth explore the modern debate of series binge vs weekly release. We live in a world of ‘I WANT IT NOW!’, so how do the pros and cons of a weekly wait weigh up against each other?
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie to get in touch!

Thursday Jun 02, 2022

What would you do if you only had 15 minutes left to live? In 2018, thanks to one person's mistake (let’s call him John…) this question was faced by the residents of Hawaii (god dammit John!)*
In our first big unpack, we dive into the layers of this story, from the trauma caused to what can be learned from it.
*Note: no Johns were harmed in the making of this episode. 
Email hello@whatarewelike.ie to get in touch! 
Theme music: Andrei Boyd 
Logo: Cillian Fenlon 

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